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Michigan’s once clean records access bills, now gone toxic

The latest attempt to open adoption records to adopted individuals in Michigan has become just another ‘leave some bastards behind’ bill(s). It’s time to go back to the drawing board. Instead of stripping out secrets and lies, the latest work in Michigan has become mired in full access blocking disclosure vetoes (wrapped in a “Contact […]

ARD- Morning after media coverage , Afternoon Photo UPDATE

Well, so I’ve had multiple people tugging my sleeve asking me if I know anything about what happened with the Adoptee Rights Demonstration (ARD) yesterday. (I suppose that’s because ARD itself has left it’s last website update from June 30th on their front page and nothing further.) These ‘tugs’ are nothing if not ironic as […]

Adoptee Rights Demonstration / Day for Adoptee Rights some history and Gershom’s “storm”

(This does not purport to be THE history by any means, but it does serve as a backgrounder on some of its roots. I’ll warn readers in advance, this is long, very long, even by my standards, but I’ve been at it awhile. The material and the history demands it.) Consider this babystep towards writing […]