Today’s Bastard Nation Action Alert on Illinois’s catastrophic HB 5428 and BN’s second letter to Governor Quinn. Wednesday, May 19, 2010 BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT: It’s Not Too Late to Stop Illinois HB 5428! DISTRIBUTE FREELY! It’s not to late to ask Illinois Governor Pat Quinn to veto HB 5428. Quinn will make his decision […]
Illinois- HB 5428 has gone to Governor Quinn. Time is running out to express you opposition to this travesty of a bill. Even if you’ve contacted the Governor before, please make another effort, this bill will do tremendous damage to adoptee rights. Bastard Nation’s Action Alert, BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT: STOP HB 5428 – WRITE […]
By way of a brief follow up on my original post, Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture (ASAC) conference screens racist misogynistic objectifying anti-abortion maternity camp propaganda video ASAC has added a brief addenda to their description of the film, “A Man Without Culture Is Like a Zebra Without Stripes: the Adoption Triangle […]
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Uncategorized on May 17th, 2010
Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture,
Ann Somers,
maternity camp,
propaganda video,
“A Man Without Culture Is Like a Zebra Without Stripes: the Adoption Triangle in South Africa”8 Comments »
For some time now I’ve been following the ongoing disaster in Rhode Island. This time around, they’ve come up to the edge of passing yet another “access for me, but not for thee” bill, by camouflaging it, falsely labeling it an adoptee rights bill, and co-opting Bastard voice by glossing over how their bill is […]
Today has been a very significant day.
Another year gone by. Regular readers already know why Mother’s Day has a lot of added adoption layers for me personally, but for those unfamiliar with my writings, the condensed version is I’m an adult adoptee black-holed by the Ohio sealed records system, who just happened to be born (apparently, anyway) one Mother’s Day in […]
I first began blogging about adoption in late October 2007 in the aftermath of having attended the “Adoption: Ethics and Accountability” conference (Ethica and and the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute were some of the primary sponsors.) That conference was a case study in both the lack of ethics and buzzed worded/soundbyted “accountability” (accountable to […]