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The Whisenhunts, Faith International Adoptions, the CCAA December Announcement, church recommendations, & the ongoing abuse and murder of Chinese adoptees

The guilty plea to three counts of child rape by Eddy Tony Whisenhunt back in mid-December has led to an announcement from the China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA.) Pound Pup Legacy has a profile page on the Chinese girl adopted by Eddy and Donna Whisenhunt that links across to a number of pertinent articles. This KIRO […]

How’s that Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption workin’ out for you then?

Yeah, not so swell. Yesterday’s Minneapolis Star-Tribune ran an article focusing on the adoptive family’s end of an adoption of two girls from India, an adoption rooted firmly in lies. The girls were the second and third adoptions Maria Melichar and her husband Carl had done through the agency. Minnesota couple caught up in apparent […]

New Jersey- let A752 die: the conflation of family medical history with authentic restored access, white outs, and preemptive restraining orders among other nightmare senarios

Over the past two days Marley‘s already laid out the basics of the situation, so I won’t attempt to rehash her fine work, first go see her posts about the NJ mess: NEW JERSEY: ANYTHING TO GET A BILL PASSED. WE LEAVE EVERYBODY BEHIND! BASTARD NATION’S LETTER TO NJ HOUSE SPEAKER JOSEPH ROBERTS, JR–PLEASE OPPOSE […]

Belated High Praise for the NaBloPoMo truly *DAILY* Bastardette!

This is one of those posts that’s been on the back burner brewing here for a bit. I’ve known Marley/Bastardette for a number of years now and I find I always come away from time spent with her having learned something. It may be  something deeply nuanced in relation to the intricacies of adoption policy […]