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High speed photolistings, will the adoptions crash and burn?

Some of us in the Bastard community have had concerns for years about the way kids available for adoption are being marketed via photolistings. The way children, particularly young children are being required to forfeit their own privacy in hopes of gaining a family raises many ethical issues. Unfortunately, photolistings of children have now become […]

Dmitry Yakolev / Chase Harrison several Russian sources

The verdict in the Miles Harrison trial has been handed down since this article was originally written. Please see my later post entitled No, no justice for Dmitry for more up to date information concerning the verdict. The article below appears as it was originally posted. *** Перевести на русский *** New readers will want […]

*UPDATED* Abrazo revised fundraising dates, Abrazo related personnel were at the ARD, and Gershom’s comment on such

(Update below.) Sometimes actions speak louder than words. The Adoptee Rights Demonstration had a “group” of Abrazo related personnel at it according to Gershom. She has written about how they shared a meal together after the demonstration at the convention center. In her post The Protest part 2, Gerhsom stated the following: I was at […]

News- “DCF Worker Charged In Death Of Infant”, the Connecticut foster care restructuring after the death of Michael Brown Jr.

(Credit where credit is due, story brought to my attention courtesy of my ex-wife, Mahalo dear!) *** By way of The Hartford Courant were come to a July 18th article, DCF Worker Charged In Death Of Infant, which details the sad May 19th death of Michael Brown Jr, a 7-month-old foster child. (Also note the […]

ARD, Adult Adoptees “relieves” me of my membership

Joy, a moderator of the adult adoptees forum, and part of their administrative team made up of “Addie Pray, Dory, Joy, Lillie, & Stewie” posted this: joy Says: July 26th, 2008 at 4:09 pm good news, you don’t have to delete your account, you have been relieved of your membership. to my earlier blog post […]

ARD related – my ‘Adult’ Adoptees posts are no longer available

For those of you who might be wondering what happened to my work over there; In light of the recent trashing of Bastard Nation, Marley/Bastardette, and myself in the wake of the Adoptee Rights Demonstration on the Adult Adoptees forum, I have removed the over 40 posts there that were under my control (locked topics […]

Dmitry Yakolev’s / Chase Harrison’s death and the lingusistic objectification of adoptees

The verdict in the Miles Harrison trial has been handed down since this article was originally written. Please see my later post entitled No, no justice for Dmitry for more up to date information concerning the verdict. The article below appears as it was originally posted. *** Перевести на русский *** This is one of […]

Adoptee Rights Demonstration updates their page, now that it’s mostly over

Now that the march and protest is over, we finally get an update to the ARD page. (Updated July 23rd.) Apparently Gershom, speaking personally, found  it “healing.” Fortunately, she’ll be the first to tell everyone what a ‘great’ job she’s doing: Many of us are activists and doing one hell of a job.

ARD- Morning after media coverage , Afternoon Photo UPDATE

Well, so I’ve had multiple people tugging my sleeve asking me if I know anything about what happened with the Adoptee Rights Demonstration (ARD) yesterday. (I suppose that’s because ARD itself has left it’s last website update from June 30th on their front page and nothing further.) These ‘tugs’ are nothing if not ironic as […]

ARD- Baby Love Child earlier ARD posts, history restoration

Now that the event Adoptee Rights Demonstration / Day for Adoptee Rights in New Orleans march/demonstration has taken place, (although those working in the booth will be doing so this week) I have restored five earlier posts that I originally wrote between this past January and May. They were posts written prior to my ARD […]