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Long weekend ACTION ALERT Illinois HB 5428- next Senate session Tues 4/20 get those calls & faxes in!

Again, another small update early this morning. There is still time to get those faxes and emails in to the Senators asking them to vote NO on HB 5428, but time is running out. The bill went through its second reading in yesterday’s session. The bill’s status page hasn’t updated yet after yesterday’s session, but […]

Nebraska- the Staton abandonment and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

This is the latest in a series of posts I have done criticizing Nebraska’s legalized child abandonment laws. You can find my earlier posts via my Nebraska tag. *** Before even starting to write about this topic, keep in mind the disclaimer I’ve placed upon earlier writings I’ve done in relation to First Nations peoples […]

ARD- Morning after media coverage , Afternoon Photo UPDATE

Well, so I’ve had multiple people tugging my sleeve asking me if I know anything about what happened with the Adoptee Rights Demonstration (ARD) yesterday. (I suppose that’s because ARD itself has left it’s last website update from June 30th on their front page and nothing further.) These ‘tugs’ are nothing if not ironic as […]