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Jumpin’ the gun on South Dakota

Whatever the blogging and legislative equivalent of premature ejaculation is, we appear to have plenty of examples of it clogging the adopt-o-blog-o-sphere at the moment. Instead of waiting patiently as the saga of the South Dakota open records bills play out, the past 48 hours have seen more than their due share of abject stupidity, […]

C.A.R.E.’s lie; writing adopted people out of our own history

Ron’s been keeping a watchful eye on C.A.R.E. out in California and their latest nonsensical antics. His most recent post, What is Jean Strauss SMOKING???, does an excellent job of saying what must be said. Not surprisingly, considering some of the core of the folks behind the group, C.A.R.E. has falsely attributed the impetus behind […]

“Expendables”- the human toll of legislation that “compromises” us away

I’ve been writing pretty much since early on in this blog (at least November ’07 here) about what being “left behind and forgotten” means in practice in terms of myself personally. I’m one of Ohio’s Black Hole Bastards. I am one of an undetermined number of people, at least 150,000, adopted in Ohio between the […]