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Guess we’re going to have restore some history since Gershom’s rewriting it, part 1

This post relates to events and personalities surrounding the Adoptee Rights Demonstration held in New Orleans last month. I’ve written extensively about the ARD, readers unfamilar with such can visit my adoptee rights demonstration tag. (As posts are in reverse chronological order, just read 3rd page to 1rst to get the full background.) Specifically, this […]

Adoptee Rights Demonstration / Day for Adoptee Rights some history and Gershom’s “storm”

(This does not purport to be THE history by any means, but it does serve as a backgrounder on some of its roots. I’ll warn readers in advance, this is long, very long, even by my standards, but I’ve been at it awhile. The material and the history demands it.) Consider this babystep towards writing […]