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New Jersey- Boarder Babies being folded into “Safe Haven” statistics

(Yes, I’ve taken a brief break from blogging in the aftermath of the Nebraska age down. I’m still here, still working, and yes, ‘the blogging shall continue until morale improves’.) *** So here’s a brief post I’ve been meaning to write for some time now. Start with this November 21st article out of the Star […]

I’ve got your *REAL* fake birth certificate right here, wingnut!

So along with large swaths of the rest of wingnutdom, various compulsory pregnancy advocates (CPA) are insisting Obama’s birth certificate is a fake. (See here as just one of a seemingly endless stream of adoption and public records illiterate echo chamber examples.) I’m not going to get into the whole McCain/Obama thing in this post, […]

Nebraska- the Staton abandonment and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

This is the latest in a series of posts I have done criticizing Nebraska’s legalized child abandonment laws. You can find my earlier posts via my Nebraska tag. *** Before even starting to write about this topic, keep in mind the disclaimer I’ve placed upon earlier writings I’ve done in relation to First Nations peoples […]

Adoption as a tool of cultural genocide, the “child grabs” Canadian First Nations peoples have endured

To start from a personal perspective, I’m just a Bastard, a politically active adoptee. Being legally prohibited from attaining my State sealed records, I have no idea what heritage cultural or genetic my biological family might contain, other than a quick glance in a mirror appears to indicate pretty clearly a hefty chunk of what […]