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Nebraska’s dump law, in the past 16 days 16 legalized child abandonments

This is the fourth piece in my series of posts about the Nebraska legalized abandonment/child dump law. Go to my Nebraska tab to read the other, earlier pieces. *** Nebraska’s legalized child abandonment law went into effect July 18th, 2008. 73 days ago. The first two kids dumped in Nebraska under the new law, (over […]

Adoption as a tool of cultural genocide, the “child grabs” Canadian First Nations peoples have endured

To start from a personal perspective, I’m just a Bastard, a politically active adoptee. Being legally prohibited from attaining my State sealed records, I have no idea what heritage cultural or genetic my biological family might contain, other than a quick glance in a mirror appears to indicate pretty clearly a hefty chunk of what […]

*UPDATED* Abrazo revised fundraising dates, Abrazo related personnel were at the ARD, and Gershom’s comment on such

(Update below.) Sometimes actions speak louder than words. The Adoptee Rights Demonstration had a “group” of Abrazo related personnel at it according to Gershom. She has written about how they shared a meal together after the demonstration at the convention center. In her post The Protest part 2, Gerhsom stated the following: I was at […]