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*UPDATED* Abrazo revised fundraising dates, Abrazo related personnel were at the ARD, and Gershom’s comment on such

(Update below.) Sometimes actions speak louder than words. The Adoptee Rights Demonstration had a “group” of Abrazo related personnel at it according to Gershom. She has written about how they shared a meal together after the demonstration at the convention center. In her post The Protest part 2, Gerhsom stated the following: I was at […]

Dmitry Yakolev/Chase Harrison and European Adoption Consultants, late week update

The verdict in the Miles Harrison trial has been handed down since this article was originally written. Please see my later post entitled No, no justice for Dmitry for more up to date information concerning the verdict. The article below appears as it was originally posted. *** Перевести на русский *** (For new readers, please […]

Dmitry (Dima) Yakolev/Chase Harrison and the 3 agencies; new details emerge

The verdict in the Miles Harrison trial has been handed down since this article was originally written. Please see my later post entitled No, no justice for Dmitry for more up to date information concerning the verdict. The article below appears as it was originally posted. *** Перевести на русский *** This is one of […]

*UPDATED* The death of Dmitry Yakolev/Chase Harrison and the Russian announcement; 2 agencies accreditations pulled, & a 3rd under investigation

The verdict in the Miles Harrison trial has been handed down since this article was originally written. Please see my later post entitled No, no justice for Dmitry for more up to date information concerning the verdict. The article below appears as it was originally posted. *** Перевести на русский *** This piece has been […]

News- a rare profile of 3 Mexican (original) mothers behind sold and stolen American adoptees

I wanted to point readers at an important article from last month profiling the circumstances and desperate need for money three Mexican womyn faced, ultimately leading to their children’s adoption in the U.S.. If adoption can so often be reduced to supply and demand, these are the circumstances from which a ‘supply’ of children come […]

News- A few final June articles relating to Lisa Novak and the Claar foundation

Just a belated brief round up of three more articles relating to the upcoming Lisa Novak trial. Those unfamilar with Novak and Claar will want to explore my earlier writings about the coverage to date to get up to speed. Novak faces another felony June 17th, ’08 Daily Camera Novak pleads not guilty June 20th, […]

News- “International Adoptions Lead to Broken Dreams”

I wanted to point readers at an article from last month’s Denver Post- International adoptions lead to broken dreams (June 18th, 08.) The article uses the backdrop of the Lisa Novak and Claar Foundation trial to talk about broader trends in international adoption, the changing nature of the adoption industry, and contains a number of […]