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Guess we’re going to have restore some history since Gershom’s rewriting it, part 1

This post relates to events and personalities surrounding the Adoptee Rights Demonstration held in New Orleans last month. I’ve written extensively about the ARD, readers unfamilar with such can visit my adoptee rights demonstration tag. (As posts are in reverse chronological order, just read 3rd page to 1rst to get the full background.) Specifically, this […]

*UPDATED* Abrazo revised fundraising dates, Abrazo related personnel were at the ARD, and Gershom’s comment on such

(Update below.) Sometimes actions speak louder than words. The Adoptee Rights Demonstration had a “group” of Abrazo related personnel at it according to Gershom. She has written about how they shared a meal together after the demonstration at the convention center. In her post The Protest part 2, Gerhsom stated the following: I was at […]

ARD, Adult Adoptees “relieves” me of my membership

Joy, a moderator of the adult adoptees forum, and part of their administrative team made up of “Addie Pray, Dory, Joy, Lillie, & Stewie” posted this: joy Says: July 26th, 2008 at 4:09 pm good news, you don’t have to delete your account, you have been relieved of your membership. to my earlier blog post […]