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New Jersey SCS1406 (A1406/S799) ACTION ALERT and update

On Monday the New Jersey Assembly’s Human Services Committee heard testimony on A1406 (The Assembly’s version of the New Jersey Senate’s S799.) The bill has become a mangled beyond repair attempt at what was originally intended to be open records legislation. At this point the two bills have been combined and are now known as […]

California AB 372- the CARE-tastrophe – Taking the bad lack of access situation, and actively making it worse.

I suppose this could be considered another post following on the heels of my earlier, Being C.A.R.E.-less about adopted people’s access in CA and Bastard Access- either we all go together or we don’t go at all- “Nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.” about the “California Adoption Reform Effort‘s botched from the get go attempt […]