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Maryland- outsourcing, starvation, autopsies, and previous entanglement with MD CWA under a false name

Special note to readers- I’ve done multiple posts within this 24 hour period so be sure to see the post beneath this one as well. *** This is my fourth post following the horrific events in Maryland this past week, the grizzly discovery of two of Renee Bowman’s adopted daughters kept in a freezer in […]

News- early July articles relating to Enna’s death, Marainna Torres pleads guilty

This is sort of a part II to the update I did last night, “News- End of June articles relating to Enna’s death- lots of new developments.” The inclusion of these three articles brings my coverage up to date. Torres pleads guilty in stepsister’s death Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, July 2, ‘08 Marraina Torres pleaded […]

News- End of June articles relating to Enna’s death- lots of new developments

I’ve been following the details in the aftermath of Enna’s death closely. For new readers, or readers in need of reminders, take a look at my earlier writings on Enna, and Bastardette’s “Mississippi: of Puppy Mills and Baby Mills — If you can stomach it!” The below represents a final round up for a last […]