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Adoptee Rights 101: Class Bastard and how to recognize a genuine adoptee rights bill

Yes, my blog has been quiet here for a bit, for a number of reasons, some of which I hope to write to a bit later on. In the mean time, I’ve obviously got a massive backlog of things to write, some of which I will get to, others, I may not. That said, watching […]

Urgent Action Alerts: Illinois and Rhode Island

Illinois- HB 5428 has gone to Governor Quinn. Time is running out to express you opposition to this travesty of a bill. Even if you’ve contacted the Governor before, please make another effort, this bill will do tremendous damage to adoptee rights. Bastard Nation’s Action Alert, BASTARD NATION ACTION ALERT: STOP HB 5428 – WRITE […]

Illinois Senate abandons genuine adoptee human rights, passes terminally flawed legislation instead, contact the Gov. immediately!

The Illinois Senate passed HB 5428: 36 yea 16 nay 2 present This is nothing short of a catastrophic loss for GENUINE equal rights for adoptees in Illinois. Worse, the Senators appear to have thought they were passing an adoptee rights bill! HB 5428 instead proposes a civil and human rights violation, rights for some […]

Stunning news around adoptionland

Two earth-shattering pieces of news today: 1.  Four girls who had been kidnapped in Guatemala and adopted by American families now living in the U.S.  have had their adoptions annulled. A judge in Arkansas ordered all four were to be returned to their mothers and family members back home who had fought for their return […]

Vital Readings in Bastard History: The Black Market, Sealed Records, and the role of the 1945 Illinois Adoption Act

Bastard Grannie Annie has been researching sealed records history in Illinois and how such merely provided a new mechanism for continuing Illinois’ long and ugly history of black market adoptions. Her blog post is an important brief overview of some of the IL history, and a vital backgrounder. Black Market, 1945 Illinois Adoption Act & […]

Where do we (Mike and I) go from here?

Joanne Wolf Small asked: So, where do you go from here? The answer deserved a post of its own, though I’ll let Mike find his own voice in his own timing and post whatever he adds as a guest blog. First of all, we settle back in here at home after the trip Mike and […]

Rejected under Illinois’ new adoptee birth certificate “access” law? Not allowed to register in the IARMIE?

Now that Illinois’ disastrous HB 5428 has been signed into law, (it’s now known as PA 96-0895) simply by looking at the new law it becomes clear, some untold number of adoptees will have their requests for their original birth certificates, or attempts to register with the registry rejected by the state. Yet the state […]

Mother’s Day 2010: Benedict bastards and the industry unleashed

Another year gone by. Regular readers already know why Mother’s Day has a lot of added adoption layers for me personally, but for those unfamiliar with my writings, the condensed version is I’m an adult adoptee black-holed by the Ohio sealed records system, who just happened to be born (apparently, anyway) one Mother’s Day in […]