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Yet another “safe haven” failure, Newborn abandoned in Virginia

I don’t make a point of blogging all the various abandoned newborns articles that go by with regularity. This story is what might be considered somewhat regional to me, though, and it makes a good case study of how such child abandonments get used by others. Yesterday morning, a newborn was left outside a Catholic […]

Serial infanticides: the strange case of Michele G.M. Kalina

This is another post I’ve been trying to get to for some time now. I’ve been writing for years about hidden pregnancies, secret births, and how no matter what some of the “baby safe haven” law/legalized child abandonment advocates insist, there will always been some number of women who will never be reached by these […]

Patty Bigbee baby seller extraordinaire; but wait, it gets weirder, there’s more

This one’s almost too convoluted to even try to blog. I’m not even going to attempt to summarize it as this case is ALL about the details. So instead see, FDLE: Grandma in baby-sale case wanted to cheat daughter and Mom also arrested in baby-selling plot as but two of the many articles, news reports, […]

“Adopted” on the Black Market: the Cole Babies

Miami, 1927 The Miami Herald has done yet another strong piece on the fate of the Cole babies. See: The Cole babies: Years later, they search for identity: Illegally adopted at birth in Miami, a group of men and women set out to find their true identities. Instead, they found each other. Those termed “Cole […]

Veterans Day – Got Records?

Today, adoptees from all but 6 states are still barred from accessing their state confiscated original birth certificates. I have no interest in reinventing the wheel. So I just scanned this Bastard Nation flyer from the back of my copy of the Basic Bastard. ‘Nuff said.

Survivors of the Magdalene Asylums/Laundries demand National Inquiry

There has been a lot of news out of Ireland as of late pertaining to adoptions that I haven’t gotten to blogging (Against Child Trafficking’s Ireland page has lots of coverage), but today I’m just going to make a short post about this latest call for an Inquiry into the Magdalene Laundries/Asylums. These institutions around […]

More important reads from this week’s #NAdoptAM blogshelf

As I promised, a few of my posts this month will be used to point to other blogger’s important work . Tonight’s post will be brief, but the links herein will all be well worth your time. 1. For starters, Kerry at Niels over on Pound Pup Legacy have written one of the more important […]

Your “orphans” aren’t; the rise of the “orphan” industry based on a lie

November is the time of year when Bastards and (original) Families get it with both barrels. Those who prefer the “adoption” language take up every square inch of media real estate with National Adoption Month. (What began with a focus on foster kids and has shifted towards the adoption industry’s marketing of infant adoptions) and […]

Welcome to India President Obama. NOW, can we finally talk adoptee deportations?

Meet Jennifer Haynes, born in India, she was  adopted at age 7 by an American, Edward Hancox. She was brought to the United States by two unknown adults who accompanied her on the overseas flight. At the time of the adoption, the agency that handled her case Americans for International Aid and Adoption (AIAA) failed […]

Let your words and actions speak loud and clear & hashtag it #NAdoptAM in November

It’s (the industry declared) “National Adoption Awareness Month” again. We Bastards and (original) families have little choice but to be “aware” of adoption and our adopted status every day of the year,  but it’s long overdue we bring some of our kind of “awareness” to the industry’s adoption marketing attempts. Thus for the month of […]