Ron’s been keeping a watchful eye on C.A.R.E. out in California and their latest nonsensical antics. His most recent post, What is Jean Strauss SMOKING???, does an excellent job of saying what must be said. Not surprisingly, considering some of the core of the folks behind the group, C.A.R.E. has falsely attributed the impetus behind […]
I’ve been writing pretty much since early on in this blog (at least November ’07 here) about what being “left behind and forgotten” means in practice in terms of myself personally. I’m one of Ohio’s Black Hole Bastards. I am one of an undetermined number of people, at least 150,000, adopted in Ohio between the […]
Just stumbled in? Wondering where on earth you’ve ended up? No problem, Bastards lives are in so many ways best summarized by a question mark. (see Bastard Nation below) We prefer answers, but after a few decades of living with the question mark, I suppose we grow unhappily accustomed to it. Doesn’t mean we stop […]
(Perhaps a topic some may feel is not directly “adoption related” but I at least find it pertinent.) Go read this article- “Sonny Skyhawk turns the table on Indian cinema“. No, I am not saying Bastards removed at times forceably from (familial and other) context by governmental intrusion are akin to the intentional campaign and […]
These are two posts I originally wrote over on in response to a thread about Nancy Verrier’s books; “The Primal Wound: Understanding the Adopted Child” and “Coming Home to Self: The Adopted Child Grows Up”. I’ve moved the two posts over here as they cover far more ground than merely Verrier’s posited ‘damage’ Bastards […]
Mr. Pertman, the single biggest thing you could do for open records at this point is shut up. (At least until you have the faintest idea of what you’re talking about, and find within yourself some willingness to stand firm for ’em.) For those not in the know, Adam Pertman is the Executive Director of […]
So Dan Rather and ran Adopted or Abducted? this evening. Completely wrong framing from the get go, seeing as to how the very title posits an “either/or” false bifrication rather than ‘in so many cases, globally, history and experience teaches us they are completely synonymous.’ To add insult to injury, the show’s website is […]
In response to a post at Feministe, Adoption as a Feminist Issue, I threw in my .02 worth: (As there was a request to limit the number of links in replies, the version of the below on Feministe contains only 3 links, this represents a vastly expanded version with citations for my readership.) I’ve actually […]
Filed under:
Uncategorized on July 29th, 2011
Children's Rights,
Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption,
not a reproductive right,
reproductive autonomy,
Sealed records,
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the ChildNo Comments »
By way of just a brief post on two events of vast significance- Missouri SB 351 and Rhode Island S 0478 SUBSTITUTE A have both been signed into law by their respective states’ Governors. Personally, I view both as unclean bills, (others disagree with me about Rhode Island, viewing the age restriction as not “leaving […]
Today’s post is a special guest blog written by my partner, Mike Doughney, originally posted to his personal blog. Just to clarify, Mike is not an adopted person. He often describes his relationship to adoption as “Sleeps with Bastard.” I think it’s really bad form to start off a post with a dictionary definition, but […]