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Australia grapples with surrogacy & fertility/reproductive tourism

Just a brief post this evening pointing readers across to this article, Childless couples face jail as part of international baby ban as one of many possible entry points discussing the unfolding story in Australia. Unlike the United States, Australia has been feeling its way forward much more cautiously concerning issues of surrogacy and what […]

Arkansas- Judge strikes down Queer and unmarried cohabiting couples foster and adoption ban last Friday

Major new developments unfolded at the end of last week in relation to Arkansas’ ban on Queer and unmarried cohabiting couples prospects of becoming foster or adoptive parents. I’ve been blogging about the situation in Arkansas for some time now. First see my earlier posts: Sewing the scarlet “b”- California’s newest bastards, and other abysmal […]

Sewing the scarlet “b”- California’s newest bastards, and other abysmal anti-Queer anti-child bastardization

Legal scholars will no doubt be tied up in knots about whether or not California’s prop. 8 will or will not retroactively affect the pre-existing G/L/B/T marriages. But the bottom line is, if Californians eliminated the right of Queer couples to marry (enshrining such in the California Constitution,) at least some of California’s Queer families’ […]