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Yes, finally, a Baby Love Child twitter stream

Finally gave in to the “dark side” (and the requests) and have set up a BLC twitter stream. (Note the new “follow me” button in the left hand column.)

I’ll be using it to announce new BLC posts and provide links to articles, webpages, and other blog posts of note. Some will likely be well written and worthy of serious contemplation. Other times I may post the purely lunatic, worthy of absolute contempt.

There is always more material to read and pass along than there is time to blog about it, so I’ll be adding a few select bits and pieces without much commentary. Bear in mind that merely because I post something, that often does NOT mean I agree with it or in any way endorse what it is saying.

I’m hoping it will serve as a resource, or “for further reading” compliment to the Baby Love Child blog.

Just bear in mind, twitter is the antithesis of analysis.

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