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The post I can’t write – Guatemala

So yeah, Baby Love Child has been quiet here for the last few days. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I actually have so damn much to say.

True enough, I rarely write or respond on ‘blog time,’ constantly filling the noise pipe with the latest shiny object, then quickly move along to the next, nope, not my style. I may be blogging but this isn’t going to be on typical blog timescale.*

I’ve got three posts in draft mode even as we speak, and some of them are simply never going to see the light of day. Today’s post is one of those.

No doubt I’m going to get unending shit for even touching this. So be it.

This is where my post on the unfolding Guatemalan adoption disaster was going to appear. But that’s not what you’re going to get. The more I dug into Guatemalan adoptions, the more I researched the personalities, structures, and organizations at the center of the firestorm was the more I knew I could never write the real post.

My personal opinion: I’ve become convinced Guatemala is being used as nothing short of a baby farming system.

And for the time being, anyway, that’s all I’m willing to say.

If domestic adoption has been a mess and created an incredibly fucked up system for so many, international/interracial adoption is where the truly monstrous real shit lies. Guatemala is but one of many examples thereof. And the horrors of course, are structural, going far far beyond mere adoption. Adoption is just one facet of the far greater system, Guatemala, the U.S. and plenty of other “players” are all party to.

So this is the post I’m not writing. Other than to say that there are real womyn, real parents, and real kids trapped by all this, and that simple fact is consistently ignored.

The Guatemalan “pipeline adoptions” that are already underway look like they’re going to go forward.

Considering the voices of other adopters from other countries where pregnant womyn were previously strip mined for the babies and their pipeline experiences, only to find to their horror the true origins of their kids, let’s just say in the here and now it appears demand for children far outweighs any notion of ever learning any lessons from previous history.

So this is the Guatemalan adoption post I can’t write, yet have to write.

Go find your favourite search engine and get started. Get some Central American history under your belt, then dig down into the adoption mess. It’s bad badness out there.

(* This is shared a way of describing the act of blogging and blog time my partner and I have come up with, credit for such also goes to him.)

4 Responses to “The post I can’t write – Guatemala”

  1. Marley Greiner Says:

    I’ve followed the Guatemalan situation, too. I do not know if any “study” at this point can untangle the morass (sorry for the mixed metaphors). The mixture of race, poverty, power relationships, corruption and cronyism in “child welfare” and the so-called government; evangelism, anti-abortion fervor, and the ugly and often hidden history of US-Guatemalan relations makes the current adoption mess far more complicated than plain old traditional adoption trafficking. I fail to see why any pap would look to Guatemala for a kid. Would you buy a car from these people?

  2. antiprincess Says:

    maybe you can’t write the post today – who’s to say you won’t be able to tomorrow, or sooner-or-later?

    it’s okay to take your time, I think.

  3. DaisyDeadhead Says:

    I have to say, other than knowing a lot of adopted kids from Guatemala, I know NOTHING of the adoption details.

    Many of the Guatemala-oriented websites are poverty agencies and/or religious missions, all of whom have their own agendas and reasons for not telling the whole truth.

    As AntiP said, hope you will come back to this subject with a feminist, progressive emphasis.

  4. Mary Says:

    The whole Guatemala adoption mess is sickening. I am really sick of hearing paps talk about how much they know is corrupt there but of course not THEIR adoption etc.

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